Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Roadblock for Human Rights

September 21 marks the eve of the declaration of martial. In keeping with their commitment to remain vigilant in fighting for the respect of human rights, producers and directors made the Indie film "Rights", a compilation of a number of short films representing various views of the state of human rights in the Philippines. The film premieres in Robinson's Galleria on September 21 as part of the IndieSine.

Today, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) gave the film an X rating with the explanation that the film is unfair, one-sided, and challenges public faith in the Philippine government making the film unfit for general viewing.

Naturally, the filmmakers protested this rating. I support their cause. First, any film that encourages respect for human rights can never be unfair or one-sided. There is only one valid side in the issue of human rights and this is the respect for human rights or the advocacy against human rights violations. Second, the government is of the people, by the people and for the people. A government (or rather an administration) that disrespects the human rights of the people loses its legitimacy and does not deserve to govern.

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